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General rules


This rule is arguably the most important rule and as such takes a little more playing about with, so here's what.i propose, for the next week or so (a probationary period), we will go with max stats, however by next weekend i should have done a decent amount of recruiting and then I'll put the options forward to everyone with pros and cons to max or capped.


We're not willing to ban the stomp or downed moves even if done repeatedly in a match, however using the stomp to reversal burn is completely unacceptable,.I feel common decency is that if you use a stomp and cost a reversal you should 'sell' the reversal allowing your opponent a chance at a comeback, the exception being when you have no reversals left.


We're aware there are moves in the game that are unblockable, if you're caught using one In the league you'll get a warning.

I expect balanced movesets - IE if your character is a striker, do not choose every combo based move you can, like wise if your a 'suplex machine' style character do not have 8 different triple suplexs, the momentum boost is overpowered.

We personally have no real issue with you having the stunner rock bottom super kick and pedigree all as normal moves BUT a lot of people feel these moves are overpowered, so were going to restrict over.use of main event finishers as normal moves.
Precise numbers will be given soon.

Trash Talk

If you want to talk trash to someone else in the league that's cool but do so in character and trash talk their character, turn it into a promo, only things I'd ban are wishing someone dead, just totally unnecessary attacks(sexual orientation, race etc).


This kinda carries on from what the rule about trash talk, if you want to cut a promo you can write it yourself, and send it to me, I'll happily overlay it for you and either put it on one of the shows or upload it as an extra to youtube.

Alternatively using sharefactory and the in game video creator you can easily make a looping promo video yourself however long you want, and then over that add your own audio and cut your promos yourself -i can walk you through the editing process - this will help with aspiring real life wrestlers promo skills.

Just like most things we'll help all I can, but your promos need to at least have a point if you give me something to work with we'll be able to better craft stories.

Gimmicks, Names, Movenames

We're open to most ideas as long as as I said earlier they're respectful.

'Real' Wrestlers

I'm more then open to actual wrestlers competing the only real limit I'll put on the is if their 'gimmick' is a WWE IP well need to Repack them, IE You could use Jon Moxley but not Dean Ambrose, you cant use Seth Rollins but Tyler black is more than welcome to find out if hes the iron man.

Rules : Rules
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